Product List (Swiper)

In the theme editor (Customize) => Section, Add Product list (Swiper)

General Settings

  • Select Animation

  • Width of Container

  • Background Section

  • Text content, Sub Title, Heading, Description

  • Align Heading

  • Select Collection

  • Limit items

  • Per View Desktop

  • Space Between

  • Wrap Box

  • Arrows

  • Scroll Bar

  • Section Padding (Desktop on Mobile)

In Product list (Split) Section > Image Text

  • Image Main

  • Border Radius Image

  • HTML / Description

  • Background Image

  • Background Position

  • Background Text Block

In Product list (Split) Section > Product List

  • HTML / Description

  • Select Collection

  • Arrows

  • Draggable

  • Dots

  • Infinite

  • Limit items

  • Display items

Last updated